Monday, March 30, 2009

What Is an Egg Allergy?

Eggs are everywhere. Not only are they served for breakfast, but they're also in all sorts of foods — from muffins to meatloaf. But what if you were allergic to eggs?

Babies sometimes will have an allergic reaction to eggs. If that happens, they can't eat eggs for a while. But the good news is that most kids outgrow this allergy by age 5 and can eat eggs with no problem after that.

You probably know that some people are allergic to certain foods, like peanuts or shrimp. When a person has a food allergy, his or her body responds as if the food is a dangerous substance. This can happen to a little kid who eats eggs because his or her immune system isn't fully developed and can't handle the protein in eggs. (Most children who are allergic to eggs are allergic to the protein that's in the egg whites, but some react to the protein in the yolk.)

The immune system, which normally protects against germs and other problems, uses antibodies to fight the egg protein like it's a harmful invader. A baby who is allergic to eggs might feel sick or get a rash after eating eggs or any food containing eggs. The reaction could happen fast or it might take a few hours.

Signs and Symptoms

Here are symptoms someone might have due to an egg allergy:

* skin: hives, eczema, flushing, or swelling
* digestive system: belly pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or itching around the mouth
* respiratory system: runny nose, wheezing, or difficulty breathing
* cardiovascular system: rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, or heart problems

In rare cases, a person could have a very serious allergic reaction, which can cause anaphylaxis (say: an-uh-fih-lak-sis). Immediate medical attention is needed because the person may have breathing problems and a drop in blood pressure.

Anaphylaxis is treated with a medicine called epinephrine (say: ep-uh-nef-rin), which is given by injection (a shot). Kids who have a severe egg allergy will usually carry — or have a grown-up carry — an epinephrine injection, just in case.

How Is It Diagnosed?

Because this allergy is often first noticed in babies, a mom or dad might notice that the baby gets a rash or gets sick shortly after eating eggs. The answer is usually to avoid giving the baby eggs until he or she gets older and the doctor says it's OK to try eggs again.

If, as an older kid, you think that you have had a reaction to eggs, you should not eat eggs or anything containing eggs until you have seen a doctor. The doctor may decide to do a skin test. This is a common way to check for allergies to eggs, other foods, and substances.

The doctor will place a small drop of an extract on the skin and then gently prick the skin to introduce a small amount of the allergen into the skin. If a reddish, raised spot develops where the egg extract was dropped, the person has egg allergy. The doctor will also test other foods or substances that cause allergies. In some cases, the doctor may take a small amount of your blood and test it, especially if the skin tests do not provide an answer.

It's important to remember that even though the doctor tests for food allergies by exposing you to a very small amount of the food, you should not try this at home! The best place for an allergy test is at the doctor's office, where they are specially trained and could give you medicine if you had a serious reaction.

What Is a Food Allergy?

Food allergies occur when your immune system makes a mistake. Normally, your immune (say: ih-myoon) system protects you from germs and disease. It does this by making antibodies that help you fight off bacteria, viruses, and other tiny organisms that can make you sick. But if you have a food allergy, your immune system mistakenly treats something in a certain food as if it's really dangerous to you.

The same sort of thing happens with any allergy, whether it's a medicine (like penicillin), pollen in the air (from flowers and trees), or a food, like peanuts. So the thing itself isn't harmful, but the way your body reacts to it is.

If a kid with peanut allergy would have eaten that peanut-topped brownie, here's what would happen. Antibodies to something in the food would cause mast cells (a type of immune system cell in the body) to release chemicals into the bloodstream. One of these chemicals is histamine (say: his-tuh-meen).

These foods cause the most food allergies:

* peanuts and other nuts
* seafood, such as shrimp
* milk, particularly cow's milk
* eggs
* soy
* wheat

What's a Reaction Like?

The histamine then causes symptoms that affect a person's eyes, nose, throat, respiratory system, skin, and digestive system. A person with a food allergy could have a mild reaction - or it could be more severe. An allergic reaction could happen right away or a few hours after the person eats it. Some of the first signs that a person may be having an allergic reaction could be a runny nose, an itchy skin rash such as hives, or a tingling in the tongue or lips. Other signs include:

* tightness in the throat
* hoarse voice
* wheezing
* cough
* nausea
* vomiting
* stomach pain
* diarrhea

In the most serious cases, a food allergy can cause anaphylaxis (say: ah-nuh-fuh-lak-sis). This is a sudden, severe allergic reaction in which several problems occur all at once and can involve the skin, breathing, digestion, the heart, and blood vessels. A person's blood pressure can drop, breathing tubes can narrow, and the tongue can swell.

People at risk for this kind of a reaction have to be very careful and need a plan for handling emergencies, when they might need to get special medicine to stop these symptoms from getting worse.

Many kids outgrow allergies to milk and eggs as they grow older. But severe allergies to foods like peanuts, certain kinds of fish, and shrimp often last a lifetime.

How Do You Know if You Have One?

Sometimes it's easy to figure out that a kid has a food allergy. He or she might get hives or have other problems after eating it. But other times, it's more of a mystery what's causing the problem. Most foods have more than one ingredient, so if a kid has shrimp with peanut sauce,
what's causing the allergy - the peanut sauce or the shrimp?

Doctors believe that allergies could be hereditary, which means if your parent or other close relative has certain allergies like hay fever, you're more likely to develop the allergies. Some kids are born allergic to certain foods, whereas others develop food allergies over time. This may be due to someone's surroundings or changes in the body as they grow older.

Many people react to a certain food but are not actually allergic. For example, people with lactose intolerance (say: lak-tose in-tah-luh-runtz) get belly pain and diarrhea from milk and other dairy products. That doesn't mean they're allergic to milk. They don't feel good after drinking milk because their bodies can't properly break down the sugars found in milk.

What Will the Doctor Do?

If you think you may be allergic to a certain food, let your parents know. They will take you to the doctor to get it checked out.

If your doctor thinks you might have a food allergy, he or she will probably send you to see a doctor who specializes in allergies. The allergy specialist will ask you about past reactions and how long it takes between eating the food and getting the symptom, such as hives. The allergist also may ask about whether anyone else in your family has allergies or other allergy-related conditions, such as eczema or asthma.

The allergist may also want to do a skin test. This is a way of seeing how your body reacts to a very small amount of the food that is giving you trouble. The allergist will use a liquid extract of the food and, possibly, other common allergy-causing foods to see if you react to any of them. (A liquid extract is a liquid version of something that usually isn't liquid.)

The doctor will make a little scratch on your skin (it will be a quick pinch!) and drop a little of the liquid extract on the scratched spot or spots. Different extracts will go on the different scratch spots, so the doctor can see how your skin reacts to each substance. If you get a reddish, raised spot, it shows that you are allergic to that food or substance.

Some doctors may also take a blood sample and send it to a lab. That's where it will be mixed with some of the food or substance you may be allergic to and checked for certain antibodies.

It's important to remember that even though the doctor tests for food allergies by exposing you to a very small amount of the food, you should not try this at home! The best place for an allergy test is at the doctor's office, where they are specially trained and could give you medicine right away if you had a serious reaction.

How Are Food Allergies Treated?

There is no special medicine for food allergies. Some can be outgrown, and others a kid will have his or her whole life. The best treatment is simply to avoid the food itself and any foods or drinks that contain the food.

One way to figure that out is to read food labels. Any foods that might cause an allergic reaction will be listed near or in the ingredient list. Doctors and allergy organizations also can help by providing lists of safe foods and unsafe foods. Some people who are very sensitive may need to avoid foods just because they are made in the same factory that also makes their problem food. You may have seen some candy wrappers that say the candy was made in a factory that processes nuts, too.

Tips for Glowing Skin & Smooth Skin

Home Remedies for your skin:

* Mash a banana with milk and apply on face and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water to get a skin that will glow.

* Apply honey on your face and neck for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water. Your skin will glow and become soft and smooth.

* Mix egg white with honey and apply on the face for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water.

* Make a paste of one teaspoon of walnut powder, honey and lemon juice. Scrub your face with this paste and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water.

* Rub a piece of papaya on your face and neck for 15 minutes.

* Make a paste by mixing 2 tablespoon turmeric (haldi) powder in orange juice. Scrub it on your face and neck and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water.

* Make a paste by mixing mashed banana, honey, lemon juice and margarine. Apply on face for overnight. Smear on hands and feet, and wash off in the morning (wear gloves in hands and socks in feet).

* Boil cabbage in water. Wash your face with this water.

* Powder mango peels and mix 1 teaspoon milk powder and rub on face, neck, and hands. Wash it off after 15 minutes.

* Mix one cup of sugar with 1 tablespoon fresh lemon / lime juice. While taking bath, lather your body and face heavily with a soft soap like Dove. Scrub the whole body and face with the sugar mixture on the lather.

* After a shower apply vaseline over your entire body. Shower again after one hour. Repeat twice a month.

* Mix corn (polenta) flour with egg white and apply on your face. When your face is dried completely in about 1/2 an hour, put your fingers in warm water and massage your face. Repeat daily for 10-15 days.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Benefits of Fish oil in our diet

1. Less Pain and Inflammation: Omega 3 fatty acids, particularly EPA, have a very positive effect on your inflammatory response. Through several mechanisms, they regulate your body's inflammation cycle, which prevents and relieves painful conditions like arthritis, prostatitis, cystitis and anything else ending in "itis."

2. Cardiovascular Health: Omega 3 fatty acids have also been proven to work wonders for your heart and the miles and miles of arteries and veins that make up your cardiovascular system. They help to lower cholesterol, tryglicerides, LDLs and blood pressure, while at the same time increasing good HDL cholesterol. This adds years to your life expectancy.

3. Protection from Stroke and Heart Attack: When plaque builds up on arterial walls and then breaks loose, it causes what's known as a thrombosis, which is a fancy way of saying clot. If a clot gets stuck in the brain, it causes a stroke and when it plugs an artery, it causes a heart attack. Research shows omega 3 fatty acids break up clots before they can cause any damage.

4. Better Brain Function and Higher Intelligence: Pregnant and nursing mothers can have a great impact on the intelligence and happiness of their babies by supplementing with fish oil. For adults, omega 3 improves memory, recall, reasoning and focus. You'll swear you're getting younger and smarter.

5. Less Depression and Psychosis: Making you smarter is not all omega 3 does for your brain. Psychiatry department researchers at the University of Sheffield, along with many other research studies, found that omega 3 fish oil supplements "alleviate" the symptoms of depression, bipolar and psychosis (Journal of Affective Disorder Vol. 48(2-3);149-55).

6. Lower Incidence of Childhood Disorders: Just to show how fish oil fatty acids leave nobody out, studies show that children (and adults) with ADD and ADHD experience a greatly improved quality of life. And those with dyslexia, dyspraxia and compulsive disorders have gotten a new lease on life thanks to omega 3 oils.

7. Reduction of Breast, Colon and Prostate Cancer: And finally, omega 3 fish oil has been shown to help prevent three of the most common forms of cancer – breast, colon and prostate. Science tells us that omega 3s accomplish this in three ways. They stop the alteration from a normal healthy cell to a cancerous mass, inhibiting unwanted cellular growth and causing apoptosis, or cellular death, of cancer cells.

Benefits of Honey in our diet

It is known that honey has also been found to keep levels of blood sugar fairly constant compared to other types of sugar.

1. For Curing Arthritis: A paste should be made from one part honey and two parts of luke warm water added with a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. This paste should be massaged on the itching part of the body and the pain should recede within fifteen minutes in most cases.

2. Hair Loss : For hair loss or baldness, patients may apply a paste made out of hot olive oil, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder. This should be applied before they take bath and keep it for approximately 15 minutes. After that they can wash it off with luke warm water.

3. Toothache: A paste made of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of honey when applied on the aching tooth (may be done 3 times a day) reduces the pain within a matter of 15 minutes.

4. Reducing Cholesterol: Take two tablespoons of honey, three teaspoons of cinnamon powder and mix in 16 ounces of tea, when given to a cholesterol patient, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10% within 2 hours. Pure honey is also sometimes used with food to check cholesterol.

5. Cure Colds: For those who are suffering from common or severe colds, they should take one tablespoon of luke warm honey with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses.

6. Curing Infertility: Various ancient medical streams like Ayurveda and Yunani have been using honey for years in medicine to strengthen the semen of men. Two tablespoons of honey before they go to sleep is what is prescribed by many experienced practitioners. This combination will work wonders for women as well. In China, Japan and other Asian countries, if the women who do not conceive, and or if their uterus is weak, then they have been prescribed cinnamon powder. Women who cannot conceive may take a pinch of cinnamon powder in half a teaspoon of honey, and apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day, so that it slowly mixes with the saliva and enters the body.

7. Stomach Upset: Honey taken with cinnamon powder also helps in curing stomach ache. For people who are suffering from gas problems, honey should be taken with cinnamon powder in equal quantities, relieves gas and pain in the stomach.

8. Immune System: The daily intake of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacterial and viral attacks. Researchers have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts and its use strengthens the white blood corpuscles.

9. Longevity: Ancient cultures used Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder for longevity. 4 spoons of honey, 1 spoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water are boiled to make this tea. The prescribed amount is to drink 1/4 cup, 3 times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and slows down old age.

10. Weight Loss: Drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup water first thing in the morning (empty stomach). If taken regularly it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also drinking of this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body, even though the person may eat a high calorie diet.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Benefits of celery in our diet

  • The strong water removing powers of celery enable it to be used in the control of health problems such as arthritis, stone, liver problems and rheumatism.
  • A tablespoonful of honey in celery juice, sipped slowly, will very effectively reduce the appetite if taken before a meal, and makes a delightful drink. It will also help in reducing their weight.
  • You can take the same mixture as a nightcap; it will help you to relax into a soothing and restful sleep. So those who have a problem of sleeplessness must enjoy the sound sleep after having this yummy health drink.
  • Those who are suffering from stones in the gall bladder or the kidney must take the juice of celery. It has been found that those who drank juice do not found any formation of stones in bladders & kidney again. It seems likely that this effect is related to the anti-arthritic properties of the juice.
  • Celery calms the nerve because of the high calcium content & helps in controlling high blood pressure. Raw celery should be eaten to reduce high blood pressure.
  • Celery is used in aromatherapy and other traditional way of healing like Ayurveda. In Japan, rheumatic patients are sometimes put on a celery only diet.
  • Moreover you can eat a lot of celery without thinking twice because it has almost zero calories. You won't add any extra pounds after having such a yummy drink or raw celery.
  • The whole plant is gently stimulating & nourishing; it also acts as a digestive remedy and liver stimulant. A tincture can be used as a diuretic in hypertension and urinary disorders.
  • Celery roots, fruits (seeds), and aerial parts, are used as ethno medically to treat mild anxiety and agitation, loss of appetite, fatigue & cough.

Benefits of Wheatgrass

  • It boosts the hemoglobin production.
  • Rebuilds the bloodstream.
  • Helps in healing the wounds.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Cleans the liver.
  • Purifies the blood in the entire body.

Benefits of Garlic in our diet

Garlic is as good as 10 mothers & Garlic a day keep sickness at bay.

Moreover, it is regarded as a miracle by naturopaths & herbalists.
  • Garlic acts as an antiseptic & helps in curing the wounds very quickly.
  • One of the health benefits of garlic is that it helps in fighting against various infection & acts against inflammation and infection, including colds, coughs by adding a freshly cut raw clove to food three times a day or take kyolic garlic capsules but raw is always best.
  • In certain studies in China it has been shown that it contains chemicals that prevent cancer. They suggest that eating garlic on regular basis provides some protection against cancer.
  • Fresh or cooked garlic or 500 mg garlic capsules twice daily helps in lowers down the blood pressure & cardiovascular problems. It increases the levels of high density lipoproteins & reduces harmful cholesterol in the blood & keeps arteries and heart healthy.
  • It thins the blood, reduces clotting and helps in controlling blood pressure and poor circulation.
  • Garlic stimulates the immune system of body & helps in fighting against various diseases.
  • Prevents & relieves chronic bronchitis, respiratory problems, and catarrh.
  • It acts as a nasal decongestant & expectorant.
  • It is also helpful for hum oral asthma, hysteria, dropsy & scurvy.
  • Garlic works as a cleanser of the digestive system, helps in curing flatulence, kills internal parasites and is an excellent internal antiseptic.
  • Researcher recommends daily dose of fresh garlic of about 4 gm, equivalent to one or two small cloves for each & every person who wants to keep himself healthy.

Egg Toast

2 eggs
2-3 slices of Bread
1/2 onion (finely chopped)
1/2 tomato (finely chopped)
1-2 green chilies (finely chopped)
2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
Salt To Taste
1 tbsp milk
1/2 tsp red chili powder or to taste
Oil to fry

Beat the eggs and add milk, chopped onions, tomatoes, green chilies, coriander, salt & chili powder. Beat the mixture until foamed.
Heat oil in a frying-pan or griddle. Dip bread slice in the mixture and coat it evenly and fry over low flame.
Fry on both sides until done. Repeat the same for other slices.
Serve egg toast hot with ketchup.

Poached Eggs

Salt & pepper powder to taste

In saucepan or deep omelet pan, bring 2 to 3 inches of water to boiling. Reduce heat to keep water gently simmering. Break cold eggs, 1 at a time, into custard cup or saucer or break several into bowl. Holding dish close to water's surface, slip eggs, 1 by 1, into water. Cook until whites are completely set and yolks begin to thicken but are not hard, about 3 to 5 minutes. With slotted spoon, lift out eggs. Drain in spoon or on paper towels and trim any rough edges, if desired. Serve poached eggs hot sprinkled with salt & pepper powder to taste.

Egg Omelette

2 Eggs
1/4th onion (finely chopped)
1-2 green chilies (finely chopped)
1/4th tomato (chopped), optional
2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
Salt To Taste
1/4th tsp red chili powder or to taste
1 tbsp milk
Oil to fry

Beat the eggs and add milk, chopped onions, tomatoes, green chilies, coriander, salt & chili powder.
Beat the mixture until foamed.
Heat oil in a frying pan and add the mixture. Cook over low heat till mixture is firm and flip it and fry the other side.
Serve hot with bread or Paratha.

Cheesy Herbed Eggs

1 1/3 cups whole milk
1 tsp grated lemon peel
16 eggs, lightly beaten
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp white pepper
1/4 tsp each: dried basil, oregano, and rosemary
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup butter

In large bowl, combine milk and lemon peel. Add eggs and seasonings, mix well. Stir in cheeses. In large skillet, melt butter, pour in egg mixture. Cook and stir gently over medium heat until eggs are set, about 15 minutes. Garnish with parsley. Serves 6-8

Perfect Scrambled Eggs

This recipe is perfect for breakfast and also serves 2 hungry people.

6 large eggs
6 teaspoons (1 teaspoon for each egg) low-fat milk
3 dashes of salt (1 dash for every two eggs)
1 Tablespoon butter for frying

Heat a large non-stick frying pan to a setting just above medium. A 12-inch pan works well for 6 eggs. Do not add butter yet. We just want get the pan ready.

In large metal or glass mixing bowl, whisk the eggs with the milk and salt. Beat vigorously for 2 minutes.

Alternatively, you can place the eggs, milk and salt in a blender and blend for 20 to 25 seconds. Allow the mixture to set for a couple minutes to let the foam settle.

Melt the butter in the frying pan. As the very last of the butter is liquefying, add the egg mixture.

Do not stir immediately. Wait until the first hint of setting begins. Start the Martha Stewart scrambling technique ("Using a spatula or a flat wooden spoon, push eggs toward center while tilting skillet to distribute runny parts.")

Continue this motion as the eggs continue to set. Break apart large pieces as they form with your spoon or spatula. You will come to a point where the push-to-center technique is no longer cooking runny parts of the egg. Flip over all the eggs. Allow the eggs to cook 15 to 25 seconds longer. Transfer eggs to serving plates. Add salt and pepper to taste.